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Teledyne Hastings Instruments Blog

Teledyne Hastings Employee Spotlight: Chris Bracey

Mass Flow Meter Applications and Leak Detection

Teledyne Hastings Employee Spotlight: Rob Milversted

HVG-2020B: Choosing the Right Analog Output Signal for You

Mass Flow Rate vs Volumetric Flow Rate

Thermal Mass Flow Meter Calibration

Working Principle of Thermal Mass Flow Meters

Teledyne Hastings Employee Spotlight: Lawrence Ferbee

Teledyne Hastings Employee Spotlight: Joshua Settle

Nitriding of Steel Using Mass Flow Control of Ammonia

Employee Spotlight - Will Harrison

Windows-based User Software for Teledyne Hastings’ Mass Flow and Vacuum Instruments

Fittings for Mass Flow and Vacuum Instruments

Argon gas (Ar) Applications – Accurate Vacuum Measurement and Flow Control

What is a Pirani Vacuum Gauge?

Vacuum Gauge Series: What is a Thermal Couple Gauge?

Women's History Month - Celebrating Mary Hastings

Freeze Drying of Flowers - Happy Valentine's Day!

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Liquefied Nitrogen use in Aluminum Extrusion

Did you know... The 300 Vue mass flow controller has flexible analog and digital output?

How do I use GCF (Gas Conversion Factors) with my mass flow meter or mass flow controller?

Sulfur Hexafluoride Gas (SF6)

How Vacuum Gauges are used in the production of Neon Lights

Introducing our Newest Product - THCD-401 4-channel power supply

Prosperity Years 1951-1953 - Part 4 Teledyne Hastings History

Laying a Foundation (1947-1950)

Can Smartphones Actually Measure Pressure?

The Birth of Hastings Instruments Company (HICO) 1944-1946 (Part 2)

Teledyne Hastings Instruments’ Glass Shop and the DB Series of Reference Tubes

Before Hastings Instruments Company, the early years… (Part 1)

Introducing the THCD-101: A perfect companion for flow meters & controllers, vacuum gauges, and pressure transducers

See more clearly with the HVG-2020A Vacuum Gauge!

Mass Flow Controller Calibration Report - What Does it Mean?

What is a Vacuum Furnace, How Does it Function, And How is it Used?

Digital Flow Meters and Controllers now protected against dust and water - what that means for you!

How monitoring instrumentation is helping preserve the Emancipation Proclamation

Flow Calibration Best Practices

John Glenn, NASA Langley, and Hampton, VA

300 Vue - Inputs and Outputs

Benefits of a Flow Service Plan for Mass Flow Meters/Controllers

Fundamentals Vacuum and Mass Flow Technology

FAQ Corner – What is turndown ratio?

What is a Thermal Mass Flow Meter & What is its Working Principle? - Part 2 of 2

Facts You Might Not Know about Teledyne Hastings Instruments

What is a Thermal Mass Flow Meter & What is its Working Principle? - Part 1 of 2

Understanding Piezoelectric Pressure Sensors and Piezo Pressure Vacuum Gauges

Vacuum Pressure Measurement & Unit Guide

New! Free Teledyne Hastings Mass Flow Converter APP

FAQ Corner – Specifying range, pressures on Mass Flow Instruments

FAQ Corner – Teledyne Hastings Instruments at Pittcon 2013

FAQ Corner – What is the Importance of STP Conditions on Mass Flow

Happy 45th Birthday Teledyne Hastings Instruments

FAQ Corner – How Accurate is My Thermocouple Vacuum Gauge